I find myself in a bizare deep state of being the last couple of years.
A profound suffering of the soul with a purpose
A purpose to sit in the darkness, the void and the stillness and tumoilt that is both present at the same time in my inner being.
Exploring the inner worlds not that i want to but i have to.
My body is screaming with all the psysical complaints if i ignore this calling of something deep and strange that is happening from within.
Life is not as it use to be.
I can’t just go and act from the instincts of my former self.
Life is pulling me out of the physical realm often to explore the inner worlds. The micro cosmos seems more important than the macro does for me it seems.
I never felt so overwhelmed by the purging of deep seated feelings, that i have to face on a regular basis.
During the years i lost pieces of my soul due to extreme trauma in my youth and later on. although it’s bitter and scary most of the times the only way to get these soul fragments back in my being is going in and through.
The sadness, tears and utter depression makes me crumble but at the same time wonder and invite me to realise what truly matters.
It’s hard to play on surface level involved in small talk, drama of daily life and routines. My soul need a total recalibration and revision of the old.
I need more depth and realness than ever before.
The urge of the soul has spoken
Loudly but now softly with streams of tears from years of build op energy, emotions that are stuck like mud in buried pockets
I lost myself but i’m in the midst if finding myself again in a never before solid and real manner. The true self, the deeper being that is coming online in a messy world
I have to face everything that was once hidden in the shadows, i have to confront all the fears, the shadow aspects, the burries memories of darkness from a dark grid.
But i know this for a fact
It’s not just me but the world that is changing and shifting in a higher form.
The overwhelm and the suffering are both my ally and challenger.
The journey to other realities, capabilities and harmony from another world that is emerging in the here and now.
I feel like a whale most of the time swimming in extreme depths of the oceans. It’s sad but beautiful
The void is full of gifts and surprises and behind the darkness new life is sprouding.
It is big and it has never happened before here on planet earth
The elektromagnetic frequency is chancing, the earth grid and the collective consciousness needs to tracend in a higher more loving state
Key is to face it, allow it, embrace it and surrender to the new that is in the transition to unfold and come to light.
Ascend and descend in a unique way which will effect the global consciousness.
Depth and growth has teached me so much about my inner self, wat truly matters in life.
Its’s a blessing and curse at the same time, i hate it but i love it, i am in deep despair but in a sense of higher order as well.
This is the deepest journey i never faced before.
Till i meet the wholeness in my self again!
Anita Sulis